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Mini-Grants Awards

First Semester 

Amy Alda, 3rd Grade Teacher

Amy applied for funds to support her program “Growing Readers.”  Her grant will help grow her class library, but more importantly, her students love for reading. “I want my students to have opportunities to grow their abilities and love for reading through high-interest texts at their ability levels.”

Anne Negro, 6th Grade Science & Social Studies Teacher

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Bins is what will be funded for Anne Negro, 6th Science & Social Studies teacher. ”STEM opportunities can help students embrace their curiosity, creativity, problem solving, resilience and purposeful real world learning.” The bins will be used to make hands-on models, work on engineering skills, problem solve, work on adaptations to models and as a brain break. The STEM bins will be used mostly to support Science but can be used within all subject areas to increase engagement and real world application.

Sarah Curley, RES Secretary

Sarah was awarded a Cricut Machine. “The Cricut Machine will be purchased and be part of RES as a wonderful asset to our ongoing efforts of providing recognition and school spirit to the staff, students and our Oscoda Owls community. The goal of this project is to create items for fundraising and increase the aesthetics of RES.

Second Semester 

Megan Beglin, 6th Grade Language Arts & Math Teacher

Sixth Grade Language Arts and Math teacher Megan Beglin requested $200.00 for “Reading Books.” She is planning on expanding her classroom library with high interest and self-selected books for her students.  Megan explained, “Students will have input on authors and genres in the hopes it will spark interest in every one of my students.”

Megan Beglin, 6th Grade Language Arts & Math Teacher

Sixth Grade Language Arts and Math teacher Megan Beglin requested $200.00 for “Reading Books.” She is planning on expanding her classroom library with high interest and self-selected books for her students.  Megan explained, “Students will have input on authors and genres in the hopes it will spark interest in every one of my students.”

Ellen Doherty, Special Education Teacher at RES

Building a Social Emotional Learning Library was the grant submitted by Ellen Doherty, Special Education teacher.  This grant will help her achieve her goal of building a collection of Social Emotional Learning books to create a library that any teacher at RES and OHS could borrow to complement their lessons and support students in their social and emotional growth. Mrs. Doherty stated, “Students who can regulate emotions and cope with changes will be more likely to make meaningful academic progress.” .

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