Oscoda education opportunity foundation
Mini-Grant Awards
Second Semester
Jana Stepp, Technology Director:
A Driver Station Laptop for Robotics gives the students the ability to program the robot to run in autonomous mode or to be controlled with commands through a game controller. Students learn to install software, write code to program the robot, run the robot and troubleshoot.
Rebecca Brooks, Assistant Principal RES :
A Sensory Path to be installed in a common area at RES. A Sensory Path is a way students can take an active break from learning, but still make connections in the brain, which helps to enable to complete multi-step tasks. These paths give students an outlet and then helps with engagement and refocusing of students.

Mike Berenkowski, Science Teacher at OHS:
This project will provide a prime lens with a low aperture setting that students can interchange with the existing cameras. The prime lens provides additional opportunities to be creative with photo composition and in lower light levels.
First Semester
Mia Beliveau, 1st Grade Teacher:
A "Reading Renovation" with books available for students to read. 1st Grade is a critical time for transitioning students into readers. This will allow an update to the classroom library with books of high quality and high interest. These books will be a variety of reading levels. Having an intentional library full of books they love will encourage students to push themselves, simply because it is something they truly want to read.
Jill Williams, 2nd Grade Teacher:
"Flexible Seating" is a strategy that allows students freedom of choice in a way that still keeps within the procedures and expectations of the classroom and school. This strategy allows students choice, possibly more movement and comfortable option to do their work.
Laura Zacharias, 8th Grade Teacher:
"Using Math Games to Help Increase Fluency" is a strategy that focuses on mental math, as well as a growth mindset. These games will reach all of the 8th grade students during core class time, as well as intervention class. Students will be able to work on fluency without having to complete a worksheet or do book work. The goal is to increase the amount of strategies the students know to help solve problems with mental math.