Oscoda education opportunity foundation
Mike Berenkowski, High School Science Teacher
Mr. Berenkowski, OHS Science Teacher, was awarded $250 for students in grades 7-12 to explore careers in Marine Technology, Concrete Technology, and Computer Aided Design through Alpena Community College. Students were provided a tour of Alpena Community College including discussions with teachers for the three technology career pathways offered throug ACC. The funding from this mini-grant provided transportation for the students to get to ACC.
Tim Lee, High School Science Teacher
Mr. Lee, OHS Science Teacher was awarded $989 for SparkFun Inventor's Kit. SparkFun Inventor's Kit (SIK) is a collection of hardware, software, and instruction manuals to teach students how circuitry and programming work. The SIK includes everything to complete 15 circuits of varying tasks including driving motors, reading sensors, and working with LCD's. In addition to the developed exercises, the materials can be modified to fit specific classroom activities. While this is a great tool to teach circuitry adn programming, it also has a direct correlation to working with Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Staff at OHS will have many opportunities to use these kits, with the primary use in Introduction to Physics, Physics A, and Physics B. These kits will also be used in Science Olympiad, ROV and coding clubs.
Mike Berenkowski, High School Science Teacher
Mr. Berenkowski, OHS Science Teacher, was awarded $989 for ROV's in the Classroom. ROV's (Remontely Operated Vehicles) in the classroom provide students a high interest opportunity to learn skills in team dynamics, decision making, utilization of an engineering process through designing, building and problem solving while building a ROV for various missions. Students will also learn basic electronics, electronic schematics, soldering, and circuitry. ROV's provide an opportunity for networking with other schools, students and businesses through the regional MATE competitions and potentially with opportunities between schools and NOAA to collaborate on projects. Collaboration with Alpena Community College and Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary has already been established for ACC's Marine Technology Program. Collaboration with Dr. Gleason from Grand Valley State University has been established as well.
Jeff Rush, High School Social Studies Teacher
Mr. Rush, OHS Social Studies Teacher, was awarded $500 for a Video Productions Class. Mr. Rush entered into this third year of Video Productions Class, which allows students to produce on demane live streamed events for MHSAATV. Each year the quality of production has gone up and Mr. Rush and his students want to continue that trend. The students produce multiple events and conduct interviews with athletes, students and staff. Producing and uploading give students real world experience which prove valuable in the work force. This grant provided updated equipment.